Articles in Category: Parenting Tips


on Wednesday, 28 October 2015. Posted in Parenting Tips

happy mom bed 2011 76340687

ម្ដាយ​តែងតែ​មាន​ការងារ​មមារ​ញឹក​ជា​ប្រចាំ បើ​មិន​ការងារ​ក្នុង​ផ្ទះ​ ក៏​ការងារ​ក្រៅ​ផ្ទះ​ដែរ ហើយ​ការងារទាំងនោះ​ក៏តែងតែ​ធ្វើឱ្យ​ពួកគេ​មាន​ភាព​ស្មុគស្មាញ​ក្នុង​ចិត្ត​ផង​ដែរ។ ដើម្បី​ឱ្យ​កង្វល់​ទាំងនោះ​រសាយ​ទៅ យើងខ្ញុំ​សូមបង្ហាញ​ចំណុច​មួយ​ចំនួន​ដែល​អាច​ជួយ​មាតា​ទាំង​ឡាយ​ឱ្យ​មាន​ភាព​រីករាយ​ឡើង​វិញ។

1. ស្វែងរកជំនួយ៖
ម្ដាយ​ដែល​រីករាយ មិន​ដែល​ខ្លាច​នឹង​និយាយ​សុំ​ការ​ជួយ​ពី​គ្រួសារ​ ឬ​មិត្តភក្ដិ​ឡើយ គឺ​ពួកគេ​គ្រាន់​តែ​និយាយ​ថា "ជួយ​មើល​កូន​ឱ្យ​ខ្ញុំ​បន្តិច" នៅ​ពេល​ដែល​រវល់​ដក​ឃ្លា​មិន​រួច នោះ​ប្រាកដ​ជា​មាន​អ្នក​ជួយ​ជា​មិន​ខាន។ ដូច្នេះ អ្នក​ក៏​មិន​សូវ​ស្មុគស្មាញ​រឿង​ការងារ​ផង និង​រឿង​កូន​ផង​នោះ​ទេ។

2. ចេញក្រៅដើម្បីស្រូបយកខ្យល់អាកាស៖
នៅ​ក្នុង​ផ្ទះ​យូរ​ពេក អាច​នាំឱ្យ​មាន​ភាព​តាន​តឹង និង​អារម្មណ៍​អាប់​អួរ។ ប្រសិន​បើ​បាន​ចេញ​ក្រៅ​ឃើញ​ពន្លឺ​ថ្ងៃ ស្រូប​ខ្យល់​អាកាស​ និង​ដើរ​កម្សាន្ត​ឱ្យ​ធូរ​អារម្មណ៍ នោះ​ចិត្ត​របស់​លោក​អ្នក​ក៏​រីក​រាយ​ស្រស់​ថ្លា​តាម​នោះ​ដែរ។

3. មាន​ស្វាមី​ដែល​ផ្ដល់​ភាព​រីករាយ​ជានិច្ច៖
ជា​កា​រ​ពិត​ណាស់ ពេល​ដែល​អ្នក​មាន​ស្វាមី​ល្អ ​អារម្មណ៍​សប្បាយ​ជានិច្ច​ នោះ​អ្នក​ប្រាកដ​ជា​សប្បាយ​ចិត្ត​តាម​ផង​ដែរ។

4. ញ៉ាំ គេង និងធ្វើខ្លួនឱ្យរីករាយ៖
ក្នុង​រយៈ​ពេល​នៃ​ការ​មើល​ថែ​កូន​ដែល​ទើប​កើត អាច​ឱ្យ​អ្នក​មិនមាន​ពេល​សម្រាក ឬ​គេង​គ្រប់​គ្រាន់ ប៉ុន្តែ ពួកគេ​ធំ​លូត​លាស់​លឿន​ណាស់ ដូច្នេះ អ្នក​ក៏​អាច​​​សម្រាក​ពេល​គ្រប់គ្រាន់​ផង​ដែរ​។ សូម​កុំ​ភ្លេច​ទទួល​ទាន​អាហារ​ឱ្យ​បាន​ឆ្ងាញ់ និង​គេង​ឱ្យ​បាន​ស្កប់​ស្កល់ នោះ​អារម្មណ៍​របស់​លោក​អ្នក​ប្រាកដ​ជា​មាន​ភាព​ស្រស់​ស្រាយ​។

5. ធ្វើល្អជាមួយអ្នកជិតខាង៖
ការ​ជួយ​គ្នា​ជា​ទង្វើ​ល្អ ហើយ​ការ​ដែល​អ្នក​ចេះ​ជួយ​យក​អាសារ​អ្នក​ជិត​ខាង មិន​ថា​រឿង​តូច ឬ​ធំ នោះ​ពេល​ដែល​អ្នក​មាន​បញ្ហា​ពួក​គេ​ប្រាកដ​ជា​ជួយ​អ្នក​វិញ​មិន​ខាន​។

6. ស្រឡាញ់អ្វីដែលខ្លួនមាន៖
ការ​ច្រណែន​លើ​អ្នក​ដែល​មាន​អ្វី​ដែល​យើង​មិន​មាន នោះ​វា​រឹត​តែ​ធ្វើ​ឱ្យ​អ្នក​មាន​ភាព​ក្ដៅ​ក្រហាយ​ក្នុង​ខ្លួន មិន​សប្បាយ​ចិត្ត​ប៉ុណ្ណោះ​។ ចូរ​ស្រឡាញ់​អ្វី​ដែល​ខ្លួន​កំពុង​មាន មិន​ថា​របស់​នោះ​តូច ធំ ថោក​ឬ​ថ្លៃ​ឡើយ ប៉ុន្តែ កុំ​ភ្លេច​ព្យាយាម​អភិវឌ្ឍ​ខ្លួន​ឱ្យ​ប្រសើរ​ជាង​នេះ​មួយ​កម្រិត​ទៀត។

7. ដើរកម្សាន្តជាមួយមិត្តភក្ដិស្រីៗ៖
ម្ដាយ​ដែល​រីក​រាយ​ភាគ​ច្រើន​មាន​មិត្តភក្ដិ​ដែល​ជា​ម្ដាយ​រីករាយ​ដូច​គ្នា។ ពួកគេ​តែងតែ​ចែក​រំលែក​បទ​ពិសោធន៍​ក្នុង​ការ​មើល​ថែ​ទាំ​កូន​ទៅ​វិញ​ទៅ​មក។ អ្នក​អាច​ណាត់​មិត្តភក្ដិ​ស្រីៗ​ទាំង​នោះ​ទៅ​ដើរ​កម្សាន្ត​មួយ​ខែ​ម្ដង​ក៏​បាន​ដើម្បី​ភាព​ជិតស្និទ្ធ​រវាង​មិត្ត​ភក្ដិ និង​អាច​ផ្លាស់​ប្ដូរ​យោបល់​គ្នា​អំពី​ជីវិត និង​ជីវភាព​គ្រួសារ​ផង​ដែរ។

8. រៀប​ផែន​ការ​ផ្ទាល់​ខ្លួន​ដើម្បី​ឱ្យ​ស្រស់ស្រាយ​អារម្មណ៍៖
បន្ទាប់​ពី​បំពេញ​ការងារ​នឿយ​ហត់​ហើយ សូម​សាក​ល្បង​ទៅ​ញ៉ាំ​អាហារ​នៅ​ក្រៅ ទៅ​ម៉ាស្សា​មុខ ទៅ​ហែល​ទឹក ឬ​ទៅ​មើល​កុន​ក៏​បាន ព្រោះ​សកម្មភាព​ទាំង​នេះ​អាច​ជួយ​លោក​អ្នក​ឱ្យ​មាន​អារម្មណ៍​ល្អ។


Toys That Support Speech and Language Development

on Wednesday, 06 February 2013. Posted in Parenting Tips

Toys available in Phnom Penh that Support Speech and Language Development in Infants and Toddlers

To follow up with the first topic of our 4-part Parent-Child Workshop on Child Development, Liberty International School is posting this to help parents choose the right toys that support children's speech and language development.

Supporting our children with their speech and language development should not be so difficult or complicated as long as parents find and take advantage of opportunities that occur every day. It can be as simple as spending a portion of your day talking and listening to your kids tell stories, or just playing with them.

The following are some suggested toys and how they support speech and language development of infants and toddlers:

Stacking and Nesting Toys

nesting toys speech and language development liberty international school phnom penh
-    Preposition, color, shape and size concepts
-    Concepts of full/empty by filling cups up with sensory materials like sand, beans, rice, water
-    Counting skills
-    Problem solving skills by  figuring out which one stacks or nests within the other  best
-    Fine motor and planning skills
-    Cause and Effect relationship

Wooden Blocks

blocks toys speech and language development liberty international school phnom penh

-    Hand-eye coordination, fine motor skills and visual processing
-    Preposition, color, shape and size concepts
-    Counting Skills
-    Problem solving skills by figuring out how to create a tower  that will not fall down
-    Letter and number concepts if  using blocks with letters and numbers
-    Social skills like sharing with friends, taking turns, cooperation and problem solving skills when played with friends in school, at home or at a play station


balls speech and language development liberty international school phnom penh

-    Preposition, color, shape and size concepts
-    Tactile concepts and vocabulary when using balls made of different materials
-    Counting concepts and problem solving skills
-    Gross motor, planning and hand-eye skills when catching, throwing and rolling the ball
-    Social skills like sharing, taking turns, playing nicely, reading non-verbal cues of friends

Shape Sorter

shape sorter speech and language development liberty international school phnom penh

-    Preposition, color, shape and size concepts
-    Empty and full concepts
-    Fine motor and planning skills
-    Counting and problem solving skills

Toy Phone

toy phon speech and language development liberty international school phnom penh

-    Social skills through pretend play by practicing his speech and language skills talking to a different array of people. Many times, your child will ask you talk after he talks on the phone which is also contributes a lot to learning how to take turns.
-    Tactile development
-    Creativity
-    Color and shapes skills
-    Fine motor skills
-    Hand-eye coordination

Set of animals

toy animals speech and language development liberty international school phnom penh

-    Literacy through practicing animal sounds, recognizing different animals, where they live, and how they help people, among other things.
-    Hand-eye coordination by walking the animals around.


puzzles speech and language development liberty international school phnom penh

-    Develops grasp of children
-    Hand-eye coordination
-    Enhances memory
-    Problem solving skills

Play Food

toy food speech and language development liberty international school phnom penh
-    Literacy through recognizing different food available in and out of the house
-    Play pretend; teaching responsibility as they pretend they are cooking for their friends or their family.
-    Provides a venue to practice their vocabulary while they are playing pretend

Baby Doll

baby doll speech and language development liberty international school phnom penh
-    Teaches body parts
-    Teaches clothing vocabulary
-    Preposition, colors, shapes and sizes concepts
-    Teaches basic and every day action words like feed, cry, carry, etc
-    Understanding wh questions by asking your child Where is the baby? What does the baby want to eat? Why is the baby crying?
-    Great tool in developing social skills like taking turns, taking care of siblings, sharing, neatness, cleanliness, hygiene, etc. 

Toy Cars/Trucks

toy cars and trucks speech and language development liberty international school phnom penh
-    Prepositions, shapes, numbers, colors, shapes skills
-    Part-whole relationships
-    Simple every day action words
-    Social skills

These are just some of the toys that are readily available in Phnom Penh. Most of these are affordable and can be bought in the local markets like Orussey and other major toy stores in the city. Of course, you do not have to limit yourselves to the toys mentioned on this post. We just want to give you a general picture of what kinds of toys are good for your toddlers. We hope that this will help you.


First Part of Parent-Child Workshop Successful

on Sunday, 13 January 2013. Posted in Parenting Tips, Activities

First Topic: Teaching Your Child How to Speak

Parent-Child Workshop in Phnom Penh, Cambodia
We are happy to let everyone know that the first part of the 4-topic Parent-Child Workshop we are holding at Liberty International School, Phnom Penh, Cambodia was a great success. We limited each session to 6 parent-child pairs but we had to give a little lee-way because there were so many families wanting to join. In fact, we have another session for the same topic  scheduled on the 26th of January, 2013 and we only have 2 seats left. This will be the last batch as we will be moving on to our next topic in the coming months. 

We are very happy to see that many Cambodian families are willing to go the distance and do an extra work to give a better future to their children. Thank you very much for coming. We look forward to seeing you on the coming workshop for our next topic which we will announce soon.

More power to us all!

Nurturing Independence in Children in Cambodia

on Thursday, 20 December 2012. Posted in Parenting Tips

Tips for Good Parenting: Healthy Independence and Self-reliance


Creating Self-Reliant Cambodian Children


What is self-reliance? Self reliance is being independent. This behavior is a concept of encouraging a person to be confident, able to make decisions and do things for themselves. Taking time to nurture the growing abilities and interests of a child can be overwhelming, challenging and exhausting, but it is a very important responsibility of every parent. Young children are expected to do simple tasks every day such as putting on their shoes to knowing their numbers and letter. Sometimes, a simple thing such as choosing where to sit can be a very challenging decision for a young child. As adults/parents, offering them the opportunity to build their self-confidence and self-reliance makes these moments a bit easier for them to handle.

There are many things that we as adults/parents can do to help our children become self-reliant. Some are listed below.

Establish a daily routine with your child. Let your child do simple tasks like brushing his teeth, eating, tying his own shoe lace or putting on his clothes by himself as soon as he gets the hang of it. Teach him how to do these tasks first and later on give a chance for him to do it without you helping him.

Stand back.  When a child is about to take a risk, stand back and watch what happens. Obviously, if his well-being is in danger, step in and redirect his behavior. But if he is making the decision to try his bike without training wheels, maybe it is time to see if he really can do it. Young children are daredevils and are learning every day what their bodies can and cannot do. By allowing your child to healthfully explore his abilities without hearing a constant NO, he is learning you trust him and his decisions.

Play out-of-sight games. Beginning around nine months or earlier, play peel-a-boo and chase around the furniture games. As you hide your face with your hands or you hide your body on the other side of the couch, your child has the opportunity to imagine that you exist even if he does not see you.

Separate gradually. Best odds for a child developing a healthy sense of self are for him to separate from the mother and not the mother from him. Discipline problems less likely to occur when the child separates from the mother gradually.

Take leave properly. Make sure to let your child know when you are planning to go even just into the room next door. It is important to properly say goodbye or see you or mommy/daddy is going to work and will be back later because this helps in making your child trust you, knowing that you will always tell him what is going to happen and that you do what you say.

Allow your child to spend more time in free play. Let him explore his own ideas and think for himself. Do not worry of the mess that he will create. This comes with being a child. Just create a physically safe environment for him to explore.

Encourage helping with age-appropriate house chores. When children are a little older, they can help with simple tasks at home like laying the table, watering the plants and cleaning up their toys or room, among others. They should be given r responsibilities appropriate for their age and should be held accountable if these duties are not fulfilled. This will give them a sense of importance and they will feel that their parents trust them to do the job.

Let your child make decisions. This does not mean letting your child be the decision-maker, but to encourage him to pick out his own clothes in the morning or select dinner one night a week. When your child feels he makes decisions that are respected and taken seriously, he is building his self-confidence which encourages his self-reliance.

Be a facilitator. Children will naturally become independent. It is not your job to make them independent but rather to provide them a secure environment that allows them to become independent.

Substitute voice contact and provide long distance help. If your child is in another room out of your sight and starts to fuss, instead of immediately rushing to his aid, try telling him instead that you are coming soon. Maintaining a dialogue with a child outside the shower door is also a very good way of preventing separation anxiety. If your child needs help in what he is doing, instead of doing it yourself, give him encouragement and instructions to solve his problem.

Build relationships. Be sure that your child knows how much you love him. Effective ways of showing your love are spending quality time with him, giving him hugs and kisses, and just being caring and understanding. Also encourage closeness with other adults like grandparents, family friends or the like. Make sure that you create an environment where your child is comfortable and close to everyone in the family, not just to one person alone, because that usually means that the person he is close to is spoiling him. Introduce your child to other children and let him establish friendships with them as this normally helps in nurturing their emotional growth.

Be a model. We, parents should also be confident and should model positive behavior. First day of school is often hard to parent and child. Expect to endure separation anxiety at some point. This is true for children every time they go through a transition period from one stage of their life to the next. As an adult, we need to stay confident and be their model of positive behavior. This will encourage your child to do the same. Talk to your child about his concerns, thoughts, worries and questions. By doing this, he is learning that his thoughts are respected and heard, thus allowing him to build his own self-confidence and understanding.

Trust others.  Remember, the teachers are there for help. Encouraging your child to trust others builds his understanding of community and his role within it. When he sees adults sharing and communicating, he understands he should do the same, too. This will build his ability to make friends, continue making positive decisions, and build relationships he will have for the rest of his life.

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ascend special ed  cambodia

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