LIS offers an academic learning experience from a dedicated and talented staff of instructors in core academic subjects of beginning mathematics, beginning science, and language arts as part of our advanced preschool program. Your child will also receive important social skills that will set him/her on a path of lifetime achievement.
Please download our brochures to gain better insight into our philosophy and practice and the rewards to accrue to kids that have exposure to a high quality preschool program.
Download our International Preschool Curriculum brochure for more information.
Alternatively, download Liberty's Preschool program brochure.
The California Framework includes the overall philosophy and direction for the content of the boooks and learning materials.
More information about the frameworks can be found at the link below:
All three levels of textbooks include:
Curriculum for all levels can be adusted to learning styles. It is also appropriate for those who need additional help as there are additional materials and tool kits for the teachers to address the kids that may be behind for whatever reason.
Math concepts, such as counting, patterns, sizes, colors and shapes are learned through hands on games and calculating exercises. The class is introduced to written numbers and one-to-one correspondence. In kindergarten the students are introduced to counting and more complex tasks such as counting to 100, counting by 2’s, 5’s and 10’s, recognizing and writing numbers.
Contact Us for more info about the California Curriculum, books available on Amazon.
Liberty cooperates with Ascend Special Education when learning support or other special ed services are required.