Nursery Education & Daycare Full-day program

Early childhood education in a comfortable, supportive environment. Liberty teaches an international preschool curriculum based on the California Framework II that emphasizes language acquisition and numeracy skills. 


Nursery Education Curriculum

Early Literacy and Early Mathematics

Textbooks and online Digital Curriculum Library provide structured content in a standards-aligned curriculum with Learning Objectives. The Guides for Teachers include learning support materials and Scope and Sequence to assure that learning goals are reached. The ultimate goal is to prepare the young learners for success in Primary and beyond.

Download the International Preschool Curriculum brochure.

Alternatively, download Liberty's International Preschool brochure.


Nursery Education Curriculum

Early Literacy and Early Mathematics


Originating in the state of California, home to the best universities and most innovative companies in the world, Liberty Education's creative curriculum is standards-aligned and designed with dual-language learners in mind. .

Download the International Preschool Curriculum brochure.

Alternatively, download Liberty's International Preschool brochure.

Program of Study

Play-based Learning

Through years of experience, we know that play is a powerful tool for learning. Experiences with sand, water, building blocks, dramatic play, table toys, art materials, music, outdoor play, structured games, are integral to a child’s development. Play activities encourage exploration and experimentation, spark curiosity and imagination, and build children’s abilities to solve problems. In addition, play also provides children with opportunities to experiment with language and work cooperatively with others. Children enter school at various stages of social, emotional, physical and academic development. Because of our holistic educational approach, our teachers strive to meet each child’s individual needs and learning styles. Our teachers build safe and happy environments where the students have time for individual play and begin to work cooperatively in small groups to learn and listen to and respect others. Our ultimate goal is to create enthusiastic, lifelong learners.


Nursery experience is often a child’s first venture alone into the larger world outside the family and the home. What children experience and learn in nursery can create strong and lasting foundations on which to build in later life, this is why at Libetrty we believe it is essential that these first experiences are of the highest quality. Daily routine: Welcome to begin the day, circle time, outdoor play, lunch time, nap time, etc., the young students know what to expect and plan for throghout the day.

Hands-on Activities

Our teachers facilitate opportunities for hands-on learning and exploration. They create specialized learning environments that allow the children to explore a new activity everyday whether that be with blocks or in the role play corner. This exploration helps children to develop their fine and gross motor skills and improve social interaction. Children also engage in hands-on activities in math to explore mathematical relationships, to learn to expect and identify patterns, and to solve problems.

Broad Experience

All activities are designed to enable students to become inquisitive, communicative and confident young learners. We develop our students' confidence in communicating ideas to others through developmentally appropriate activities in speaking, listening, reading and writing. Our centers include motor skills, social skills, literacy, language arts, arts and music.